In these recent weeks, I've been figuring I needed to really work on my design skills. More the ideal qualities that both knowledgeable and inexperienced eyes react to positively. The Alias alone had been influx for years now, ever since I was just a little kid creating a name that would serve as the umbrella to all my artwork and experimentation. After many iterations I ended up somewhere between nostalgia and simplicity. The nostalgia comes from what could be one of my favorite musical bands since my childhood, Everything But The Girl (EBTG). Their name was simple and unforgettable, but maybe that's just my own personal taste. After many ventures into completely detached alternative names, I found that I wanted to keep my name somewhere inside my alias. My general nickname, Ray, seemed fitting and short. So Low and behold, I've come to the conclusion of Everything But Ray (EBR). I could have spent forever coming up with a name or incorporating my nickname from work, Noodles, since most people misspoke my name from Ramon to Ramen (hence ramen 'noodles'). But I decided to keep it simple and reverted back to my nostalgia and regular nickname.
After deciding it was time to design and practice vs. coming up with names for the sake of design, I knew i had been stalling and in a way working backwards. Technically, you should be able to design any name or words given to you, so I wanted to find a way to make this to work with these ideals in mind.
Useful, Usable, Desirable, Valuable, Accessible, and Credible
So to begin decided on something simple, a business card. Here are the results of a couple hours of experimentation and work.
(If it doesn't work in grey scale, it wont work in color)
(A basic StyleSheet for Possible Colors)
Yup, it's simple, its clean, and I think it works in color while playing with the name.
Next up, possible Logo and website Design while using this as a basis.